Sometimes, I just like to make things to see if I can. I saw these nifty bird feeders for sale - you use a mixture of peanut butter and birdseed, or some of that bird suet, and stuff it into the openings. Great idea, so I made one, you know, because I have lots of cedar logs and sticks and such.
Okay, I made two.

But here's the thing - I don't like to feed the birds. I mean, I love birds, but I am already feeding many many chickens and turkeys and sheep and dogs and cats and horses. So, I am not taking on another feeding chore, but this presents a great opportunity to give something away to you!!!
Just add a comment to the blog or the Facebook post, and I will select two lucky winners from the list of comments. Don't include your address or anything on your comment, I'll send you an email to get that information once you've won. You have until Monday, August 5, to leave your comment!!!
To leave a comment on the blog, scroll down to the bottom of the page, click " Log in to leave a comment. " - log in, and leave a comment!!
Edit 8/4/2019: Congratulations to our winners - Kathy R. and Allie C.